Saturday, January 20, 2007

Chris - LOVE

Love, everybody wants it, everybody searches high and low for it, everybody tries to convince themselves they have found it, and when they really do, its like finding great treasures for them. What is love? The phrase “I love you,” has to be like the most overused phrase of mankind. If there are 6 billion people in the world, it would have probably been said 6 billion times, in many languages or even twice that number, but how much of it is really meant from the heart? How much is actually true? From the sweet nothings whispered by lovers? To the whisper and a kiss from her mother to her children? From an infatuated young teenager to another, when they know less than half of what the word means?

Through the machinations of Hollywood, its movies, and in digital media, love has been cheapened, to something which you suddenly get, and should be consummated within the one hour of the show. But in reality, it’s a whole more complicated. Everyone searches for love, in the workplace, the bar, the disco, dating services, restaurants, schools, everyone wants it, but how many of these bunch has actually got it?

There was a hilarious argument about the theory that somewhere out there, there is your one true love, interesting complications were voiced, what happens if she got into an accident? What happens if she met someone else? Are we destined to spend life alone? I don’t think so.

My personal opinion, I could be wrong, but I couldn’t care, (Its called an opinion for a reason), I think love is meeting someone, finding out that that person makes it possible for your life to become so much more meaningful, and that love is a ongoing thing, its falling for a person, and knowing his/her flaws and horrendous habits but accepting for they person is. My take that is.