Saturday, January 06, 2007


i offically made our gamertags part of the blog! lol.. once we start playing, then it show up,

bad news for all pple hoping to get the tv shows from me, my debit card is somehow weird with the website im using, every other website is fine, except for that one.. so i got so fed up thati used the cash on other things.. lol, now i get my xbox live up again,, and playing halo2 during the nights that my sis aint using the comp

back to FYP, i feel screwed currently, the modeling is not finished yet, and unless i pull off some kind of miracle, its gonna be still a little screwed currently.
played squash again with the church bunch, with the addition of
table tennis, and pool, i lost to rachel in table tennis, and to my dad in squash.. great..

anyway, note to self,

26 jan = Interium die die 90% muz be done
12 jan = Wakeboarding
14 jan cooking Lasagne

// gee, that hurt..