Thursday, March 31, 2005

Apple work

sorry for not logging but was working at the roadshow..
sold stuff.. but the communission? enough for macdonalds only..

apple rocks.. seriousl.. its like paying me to play with apple macs..
something i would would do for FREE.. hahaz

my throat damn sore now.. ahahz.. drunk a few oceans and had a few strpsils.. ahahz help..

and YES iknow.. eunice and ingrid wants to kill me.. HAHA

Sunday, March 27, 2005



got a job woohoo!
working at applecentre at orchard.. yepz.. can play with macs everyday.. wahahaha
starting work next monday.. working at their roadshow in caltex house..

hint.. they may give discounts for ipod and ipod stuffs!

stressed out man.. worried bout my results.. wondering if i can still make it to pass this sem..cuz i really wanna take year 2..
im bored..

Things i wanna do..
1.go ice skating with imd pple
2.have another xbox sleepover
3.go for imd chalet
4.seeing my bank account mushroom or sumthin..
5.get my DARN internet working.. something completely insane!

yep.. will blog when i either have time or have figured out how to blackmail ingrid to joining the orientation so that i can rumor-monger bout her and stanley again.. LOL

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

the unsung workers

here are the people whose attitudes and discipline are both scary and seriously. the unsung workers.. the people who seem to be appropriately named "market spoilers" "cyborgs" "confirm take drugs one.." or juz the natural leadership kind..

those kind of people..haha..

Ingrid- the one whose gets all her projects done on time and never misses a deadline so far..the kind that makes a insanely good business woman.. u should see her in marketing class..its like whoa george loves her.. she either makes a really good leader or a good co-leader. "the lao-pan-niang" also a leadership type..she needs a tan..severely..haha check out her A2 drawing.. its seriously chio man.. moulin rouge..her pen shading really makes mine look bad..haha

Stanley- Definitely the "lao-pan" heading design lounge, camp design and who knows what.. this is the guy that when he speaks people listen..which is why ingrid is lobbying so hard even to the point to blackmail this guy into the leadership role..he stays cool when everything is about to hit the fan..well, most of the time.. like me, he a sound techie.. comdi teacher loves this guy.. cuz of his presentations..ahhaz.. but i have no idea wad the heck is he saying when he starts rambling about linux or hard disks..

Abel- another gadget guy.. like me..this bugger has got a seriously tricked out comp! argh..he knows lotsa stuff.. technology.. HTML..dreamweaver.. and everything that is slated to come out.. he and christine are scary.. they are using stuff like HTML checker to make their blogs work on all browsers..he too has tech ramblings.. which like sometimes not me at least..but im learning to catch most of it..he gave me 9gigs of songs.. im eternally grateful..hahaz..

Prisceila- the "meh-meh" of IMD.. the innocent lamb..wahahaha..apparently this is the shading queen.. i get jealous over her shading techniques!i bet she uses lamb martial arts or sumthin.. its unbelieveable.. check out her visual journal..its good enough to be roobbed and sold to a musuem..

Fairuz- this BUGGER painted PICASSO for his colour journal.. i mean WOW.. he either didnt have any other class or he is juz(in my opinion anyway) INSANE..and i almost wanted to strangle him when he apologized for not getting some of the colours right..

Eunice- another incredible artist..she can draw, paint.. and her drawings look good.. man..its lifelike sometimes.. personally i shall call her another market spoiler..ahahz.. her trees look gonna wait around IMD with a camera or sumthin.. to try and catch her if she EVER wears a not DIRTY mind you.. but she has never WORN a skirt in her life to school..ahhaz..then i will publish in the newspaper as headlines or sumthin..

//oh well..grandpa grumps are over..
back to sleep.. exercised some old joints today..
arms are finally singing after neglecting them frm exercise..
tag if u want more info added.. they deserve more credit..

Monday, March 21, 2005



hahaz the youth conference at the downtown east.. really really cool.. the guys workshop was super funny with pastor ronald.. it was crude and funny.. girls.. dont ask.. its borders on obscene and hysterically funny.. but the night concert rocks


one of the best christian bands i have heard so was a INSANE party man..its like the christian zouk or sumthin.. jummping to music.. singing.. not caring at how how ridiculously funny u look cuz everyone else is doing exactly the same thing..

took a train back to toapayoh..reached home at a tiring 1230am..oh ya, met someone new.. pam's friend.. mel..or izzit melissa?

//meihua good luck for ya exams!

Sunday, March 20, 2005

fractured thinking

sorry..super duper tired now..
frustrated over getting my wireless range expander to work..
juz attended a concert by planet shakers..
they are coool man.. but i ended home really really late..
will blog detailed version tml..

Thursday, March 17, 2005


i lost my humanity

but im getting it back,
one piece at a time..

Sunday, March 13, 2005


woohoo! i finally got it! the ipod photo and the imac g5!
man.. it show great discounts and stuff and its super easy to set up
now im still typing on my laptop cuz i havent figured out the wireless yet..when i get it right hopfully it will work properly..
ipod photo..
now i know why people think its a cultural icon..
its a little fat..but its okay to me..
later is a shitload of work man.. got lifedrawing and imdp1 to finish by tml.. save me..

maybe if i have time tml i shall go fullerton take picture then go funan to buy a case for the ipod..

//Happy Birthday Mom!

we only got one mom..

Friday, March 11, 2005


comdi is done!
although i think i screwed t up..buts its okay i guess
cause its over..


now chionging colour as well as my webp..submissions laters.
colour journal is like super easy.. but i have absolutely no idea how the heck am i gonna present later. save me...

well 2 presentations in 2 days.. now that is nuts.. wee,
today is a very good day.. cuz at getting my apple stuff
its for real! this time..

//i love IT shows..wad?? im a geek..

Wednesday, March 09, 2005


now doing a Webpage..looks cool..but no mood to blog..


Friday, March 04, 2005


and voila!
new tagboard..cause doodle-board in their desperate efforts to save MONEY,
has disabled dooble-board for free-loaders like us. cause they are running out of server basically if u paid to be a enhanced member.. ya doodle-noodles would still work..


support tagboard of shoutbox..
hopefully they still remain free..
and beatrice, there is some kind of free lunch in this world.. was fun.. colour class rocks.. now have some idea on how to use photoshop
to make cool patterns to paint!
argh,tons of work man..the visual journal.. need to complete by monday! NOO!
got comdi presentation, plus colour to do.. okay.. maybe in bullet form then..

>>DEAD>>Lifedrawing Journal

>>DEAD>>Website for WebP

>>DEAD>>Comdi presentation


thats just next week..

>>DEAD>>imdp1 assignment 3 proposal plus production package

>>DEAD>>comdi reading portfolio

>>DEAD>>maybe more colour..

well that rounds it now praying desperately for the rapture to come before the assignments that i can enjoy eternity in

//ang keung printing services are daylight robbers..4bucks for A3 printing?damn..

P.S tag my TAGBOARD! i need more reason not to stab myself with my pencils or attempt to strangle myself with wires from the free access lab..