Tuesday, December 19, 2006

2nd last day in Japan..

i have successfully wrestled control of the computer from my sis.. my dad and bascially all the crazy techno-nuts in my family.. thats why, the world invented the WIRELESS router! rawrrr.. it sucks when there is only one LAN cable to connect to..

i even brought the linksys router from home to japan.. butttt.. the voltage isnt high enuff.. hence, i cant power the router = square one.. lol

2nd last day of japan.. man.. time has gotta stop flyin..i juz arrived here juz now.. now i gotta leave?!?!!?! !@#$!@$@#@

bought some presents today.. tons of snacks.. plus visited a quiet village.. near a shrine with a whole street of shops.. quiet ones.. its hmm peaceful there.. its n ot quiet.. but peaceful.. lol.. kinda of a great place when u wanna get away for a while.. its at Daizafu

Christmas is coming.. damn.. i havent done all my presents yet.. andddd i gotta MODEL my set and character.. noooo..

Jon is growin up! lol.. good luck with ya date man.. take her out for maybe a nice movie, anddd.. strike up a convo.. you got skills bro.. USE EM! =D

fukuoka out..