Monday, December 04, 2006

Chris - do you really know me?

hey, jon, yeah,, its a bad week man. see the amount of bad things that can happen. lol.. losing all ya stuff sucks.. rmb to do regular backups man.. juz in case..

29th of dec.. you guys free?
namely asking crazy bunch and sec school friends..
bbq, at my place again.. and we WILL crash the swimming pool and tennis courts this time.. i swear.. =D

tag me on the tagboard when u all are actually free!

wow, mh really managed to cook.. okay! you shall prepare the majority of the food k? =D
new cooking endevours.. cuz meihua is trying to beat me to it.. i shall cook, from scratch, no pre-made syrup or wadnot.. LAKSA.. from laksa leaf onwards.. then try yeah? theres a reason why the toilet is the door right after the kitchen =D

sook, fishe, ser still hasnt found ANY connection apparently.. oh well, when they come back.. then i tihnk they will actually be able to get online..

Cafe CArtel is getting boring.. i was half asleep the whole day..received some bad news from maria.. prayed after that..

//take care yeah? life still goes on.. not matter how many breakups, deaths, emo-ness in this year. look forward to next year! =Dthe dude definitely had his reasons.. but hey, i believe theres always second chances.. it only be "no chance" if u say no//

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.. FY-Pee!