Friday, June 15, 2007

Chris - business plans and AHHHHHHHHHHH!

sent justin and stanley off today for their army
and after going to pualu Tekong,
i realized that, its a hotbed for undeveloped business potential!

All recruits green IC has a credit limit attached to it, for them to buy stuff from the camp and from the E-mart, so they have money, from the government, plus its easy and convenient to buy stuff from the camp,
so my business proposal is to

if i set up a Ben and Jerry's there,
a 7 Eleven that sells everything from Snacks, to Army stuff to Safety Kit stuff,
imagine the possiblities!

and there is no compeititers whatsoever =D

anyway, TP is nuts, they are putting into the compeition,
Inter-Varsity Championships, 2007
oh mannnn i am doomed..