Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Chris - On the WAY

organized dinner at my place called "on the way"
inside joke,

yeah, due to insanely bad planning and unforeseen injuries, i bought the food late, cooked late and everything, thanks for being so patient with me and watching Lord of the Rings while waiting for the food, which arrived at 9.. damnnn...

been a long time since i used my sound system, =D blew them away with LOTR movie, =D, subwoofers are man's best invention. anyway, cooked Chicken Lasagne, Sherpard's Pie and Pork STEW! which in a act of miraculous accident, became Pork Chinese Soup.. lol..

Eugene while serving the Pork Stew/Soup/wadddd? - "Pork or carrots? Soup is not an option"

shows how little soup there was.. being the bad and lame chwef i was, i had to apologize for late food.. oops.. hahaa, now we know why we muz add the corn flour!

the dinner convo was great, with sick jokes by ser and neck-cracking by eugene that totally stupiefield fishe, sook and ser. hahaha.. its not the food that makes a great dinner, its the people.. =D one day, after loads of practice, i invite u all over again.. and i swear it taste nice AND be early, =D

thanks maria, fishe, sook, serene, siyuan and eugene,
you guys were uber.. =D
