JoN - If you don't mind
Oh shucks. 9 more weeks to the end of my attachment.I'm "thrilled" -_-!!!
I've been thinking abt my stint lately at Infineon Tech for the past 4 months and well, a desk job as an accountant is kinda cool. If ya take on a different perspective that is. I've always had that stereotypical thought that accountants were balding bozos with caffeine-laced teeth. My.. my was i wrong?
There's this guy who seats just behind me named Eric. But we call him crash cos he has a knack for dropping stuff. It's either his pen, mixed nuts or M&Ms. Putting his silly habit aside, his desk is a frikkin' flea market of Gundam, Evangelion models (Very manga manga stuff) There are alot more but i just can't put it to any anime i've ever seen?
Sam picks his nose in broad daylight and smiles giving lame excuses like, "It makes me smarter."
A handful of my collleagues are young mothers or mothers-to-be in their late 30s. Not bad looking too i gotta admit =DD. Anyways, that's not the point.
Give accountants some breather too ya?
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