Saturday, February 25, 2006

after doing webani, i realized one thing that seems to stick with me. i cant code for nuts...
i love animation.. broadcast, 3D, its easy to understand.. doesnt need limitless amounts of jargon to understand. i mean after the modeling part, animation is fun! might drive me nuts.. but at least its weakness is code..DAMN,
but on the other hand, if i learn coding and master it, it gonna be useful and essiential.. yeah i know.. but it really pisses me off when a project thati spent hours on juz DOESNT WORK, and wheni look through the code a gazillion things and rename everything it still doesnt WORK! haiz..
what is my interest? better find it soon.. im a animator i guess.. not a coder.. =D

going out later.. with meihua.. i think its a well deserved study break for the both of us.. i really need a time to relax after this.. internship coming.. im ready.. bring onĀ  the sleepless nights adn the skills to make every tea and coffee known to man! whee
